Love Humbly ~ Live Genuinely

The essence of living a GREAT life is being humble and genuine while remaining open and teachable. Each and every day is a true gift, and being open-minded and optimistic allows us to continually grow. You have to learn how to vibe in peace with yourself before you can do so with love.

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It's Time For Love - How can you be the best partner?

Be Situationally Aware

Situationally aware people aim their focus outward as they try to absorb, and learn, more about the situation.

Put Others First

As a result, you won't feel the need to cast yourself before others. Take care of yourself, of course, but try to remember the needs of others.


Actively listen to others before summarizing the conversation. You don’t need to try to dominate a conversation or talk over people. Be eager to understand and be compassionate.

Speak Your Mind

While active listening is certainly important, don't be shy to speak your mind. Stand confident, but always be kind with your word.

Take Time To Say “Thank You”

These two words are essential in life. No matter how big or small the gesture or service, being appreciative and aware.

Stay Humble & Kind

Humility is the essence of life and humanity. Staying ego-fee and compassionate in regard to others circumstances makes the world a more passive place.

Accept Feedback

Be receptive to constructive criticism, and actively seek it, because feedback is a pathway to improvement. Be open to change and correcting flaws.

Assume Responsibility

Rather than blaming or pointing fingers, assume responsibility by speaking up and owning your part.

Ability to Ask For Help

You don’t have all the answers, and you can't handle everything in life alone. Have willingness to accept assistance and advice as needed.

Give It a Try Take the Risk It Just May Be Worth It!

When you walk the path of life with an open heart, amazing things will come your way! We know the dating scene can feel exhausting at times, but don't be discouraged. Now is your time for love! Stay true to yourself, be kind, and let love in! You know what you want and what your heart is capable of - so GET out there and live already!

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Falling for someone online? Never in a million years did we think we would find love this real from a dating website. I guess we always imagined we would meet an old-fashioned way - sports event, the grocery store, casual occurrence. Yeah right! No matter what way it happened, we are so lucky. We keep each other grounded and safe. For the first time, in a really long time, we are looking forward to what the future holds. For anyone out there doubting this process, and maybe afraid to take a chance, leap in head first and don't look back - you won't regret the experience. Thanks for the connection!

Love Endures and Conquers All. Love is Everything


Life is an Amazing Experience Don’t Waste a Single Moment

There's no time like the present to jump into the dating scene. Take control of your love life and stop wasting time! Let's face it, life can get very busy. Many people feel like they don't have any time to navigate the winding road of dating. It can all seem like a huge undertaking, but we're here for you. Our online dating community is chock full of singles, just like you, trying to connect, have fun, and seeking pure love. Start something new & exciting - Live in the moment, give it a shot! What do you have to lose?